Kunsthalle Tropical
All that’s known about the Kunsthalle Tropical is that it’s located in the rocky desert of Iceland and that it rises only a few centimeters above ground. Everything else is up to you to imagine. A discovery that awaits those willing to make the journey. The public is invited to find the Kunsthalle by its coordinates. There, in the desolate landscape and within 387 square meters, they are empowered by unbounded freedom to explore, imagine, and create as they wish.
News: Free WIFI inside
The Information Age and the advent of WIFI has shifted the ways in which people connect and participate, even in the most established of institutions such as the art museum.
While researching the meaning of “art institute” Random Institute found that WIFI was significantly motivating individuals to spend more time at their local art institutions.
Thus, on October 11, 2014, Kunsthalle Tropical installed WIFI, and posted their first tweet from the Icelandic desert. As a follow up project, sign-posts will be installed in all 4 directions which say WIFI 1km East / West / North / South.
Located in a remote region of the Icelandic desert, the boundaries of Kunsthalle Tropical are demarcated by ground plans traced upon the natural environment.
Artists, curators and the public are invited to find the Kunsthalle by its coordinates. There, in the desolate landscape and within 387 square meters, they are empowered by unbounded freedom to explore, imagine, and create as they wish.
The Kunsthalle is, in other words, an opportunity for artists and curators to isolate themselves in a fresh location.
In contrast to the big-budget global expansion projects undertaken by heavyweight art institutions—often characterized by opulent buildings—Kunsthalle Tropical does not assess an exhibition’s success by the mere number of visitors, nor, for that matter, by any other quantifiable standard.
The Kunsthalle’s mission and its vision for a new kind of art institution is documented in a handwritten, one-in-a-kind book, which is buried at +65° 20' 14.76", -15° 51' 8.40" at a depth of 93cm.
The Kunsthalle Tropical was founded on July 18, 2012 by Sandino and Marcel and is located in the rocky desert of Iceland. The coordinates are +65° 20' 14.76", -15° 51' 8.40".
Traveling to Iceland? Download the latest Icelandic Art Manual to find what your looking for.
Kunstbulletin, May 2013:
«In der Steinwüste Islands haben Marcel Meury (Künstler) und Sandino Scheidegger (Kurator) die Kunsthalle Tropical gegründet. Zusammen mit acht Künstlern aus der Schweiz sind die Gründer Mitte April nach Island gereist und haben dort zwei Wochen lang für eine Ausstellung in einer Kunsthalle ohne Wände, ohne Dach gearbeitet. Eine unterirdische Bibliothek nimmt Bücher auf, die vergraben werden. Titel des Projekts: "Sometimes attention should be paid to the absence of everything". Es richtet den Blick auf den Prozess der Kunstproduktion und setzt auf die Imgagination.
Die Kunsthalle ist im Wesentlichen nicht mehr als eine Grundlinie, Stein an Stein gereiht, ein 20x30m grosses Rechteck. Sie befindet sich zwei Autostunden von Husavik entfernt, wer sie finden will, hält sich an die Koordinaten: +65° 20' 14.76", -15° 51' 8.40".»Collaborators