Space Records
Space Records was an interdisciplinary exhibition addressing themes of air and space. A group of 28 participating artists, musicians, and scientists created and shared work ranging from videos and performances to interactive installations and visualizations of scientific data, all of which related to the sky and atmosphere.
Art and science is ungrounded.
The Space Records exhibition and supporting program took place in the Grosse Halle at Reitschule Bern. The publication accompanying the exhibition was published under the name: Made in Air Space.
Scientific contributions were provided by the FHNW University of Applied Sciences, Arts Northwestern Switzerland, and the ETH - Flying Machine Arena.
Space Records
Missionen im Luftraum – eine Überschau.
"Eine Ausstellung in der Reitschule beschäftigt sich auf anregende Weise mit alten Träumen vom Fliegen und neuen Verkehrswegen durch die Lüfte." (Bund Artikel)Information
The exhibition took place on July, 11 to 15, 2013 in the Reitschule Bern, Switzerland.Collaborators