No Shoes Allowed was the fruit of a simplified exhibition process and a straightforward concept; consequently, it is understood and judged solely by the resulting documentary images.
As such, the work, along with others in the series, calls into question the extent to which “installation views” are a truthful record of an artwork, a happening, or an installation. That is to say, these pictures are carefully constructed and intended for an audience who is conditioned to consume art not in person, but more often, through images and text—such is the reality of the art world in the digital age and most likely the case for anyone reading this.
The show opening took place on February 9, 2013 at the OLM Space. What follows is the entire conversation between the artist and the curator before, during, and after the exhibition:
SS: send instructions and I send you installation view photographs
DH: cover the entire gallery floor with polenta. no shoes allowed in the gallery
SS: today was polenta time
DH: amazing
Ausstellungen werden komplexer, globaler, verstrickter, aufwändiger und kostspieliger. So der Trugschluss. Eine Initiative zurück zur Einfachheit – über Grenzen hinweg.
Ein internationaler Künstler darf in zwei Sätzen eine Ausstellung instruieren, die darauf hin unkompliziert umgesetzt wird. Punkt. Der Auftakt machte der New Yorker Künstler David Horvitz.