Update: The broadcast officialy ended on August 6, 2018. A best of selection of the videos streamed over the past year can now be watched individually. (above, scroll to the right)
The motivation behind the 365-day project is quite simple and can be summed up in a single question that we still don’t know the answer to: Is it possible to broadcast art performances for a year straight?
The Art Performance Channel streamed its first signal on August 6, 2017 and ran over one year day and night with minimal downtime. We continually optimized the technical setup and added videos to the stream from the public domain.
We thank our guest curators and artists for their inputs, especially:
Thomas Geiger (Vienna)
Anna Hugo (New York)
Andreas Wagner (Zurich)
The Art Performance Channel has continuously streamed via Youtube Live. You could access the scheduled live chats with guests on the web or within the YouTube app.
Chat protocols were deleted automatically as soon as the chat ended.